One year into this pandemic or is it one million years
I am so exhausted of this
I know that is the most obvious statement possible at this moment
I am writing this as a testament to this time
A remembrance of a time to be forgotten
This god awful time

Everyone has Covid
It just presents in differently
In some it killed quickly
In others there are no symptoms
For some poor souls
This is a slow suffocation

I have watched Manhattan burn
I remember after the first World Trade Center fell
There was this odd time where the binary north stars of Manhattan
Became singular
That inbetween time before the other tower fell
I walked away after watching the first tower fall in front of me

I did the strangest thing at that moment

I walked away

To this day I don’t know what I did or where I went
For about 24 hours I just disappeared
Nobody could find me or remembers where I was including myself

Now we are all here lost together in this odd moment

In a time that feels like that gap between the towers falling
Like the moment after a relative kicks over the diner table
At a thanksgiving dinner that did not go his way
We are all in a moment of pretending that this is normal
That this is all going to be ok

Is this the after or is this the inbetween?

Is this the beginning of the new normal

Or are these grey days actually the good old days

Will we wear face masks forever
What a strange time to be alive